The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross 
Praying and meditating on the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ has been a Catholic devotion for centuries. Originally, many early Christians would retrace the steps that Jesus took from Jerusalem to Calvary, stopping along the way to remember His suffering and to pray. As Christianity spread, it became more difficult for people to travel the great distance to the Holy Land to perform this devotion, So "model" stations were made and set up throughout Europe for people to pray this devotion without making the long pilgrimages to Jerusalem.

My Lord Jesus Christ, You have made this journey to die for me with love unutterable, and I have so many times unworthily abandoned You, but now I love You with my whole heart, and because I love You, I repent sincerely for having ever offended You. Pardon me, my God, and permit me to accompany You on this journey. You go to die for love of me; I wish also, my beloved Redeemer, to die for love of You. My Jesus, I will always live and die united to You.
Station 1: Jesus is Condemned to Death
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O my innocent Jesus, to free me from eternal death, You allowed Yourself to be condemned by a pagan judge to the death of the cross. Give me a hatred for sin and the grace so to live that I may one day obtain from You a merciful sentence. O Jesus! So meek and uncomplaining, teach me resignation in trials. You desired to die for me that I may receive the supernatural life, sanctifying grace, and become a child of God. How precious must be that life! Teach me to appreciate it more and more each day. Amen.
Our Father.....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 2: Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O my Jesus, this Cross should be mine, not Yours. My sins crucified You! You have chosen to die the disgraceful death on the Cross. You have paid a high price for my redemption and the life of grace that was bestowed upon me. May I love You always! Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be..

Station 3: Jesus Falls the First Time
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, Your painful fall under the Cross and Your quick rise teach me to repent and rise instantly should I ever be forgetful of Your Love and commit a mortal sin. Make me strong to conquer my wicked passions. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be...

Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus! Your afflicted Mother was resigned to Your Passion because she is my Mother also, and wants to see me live and die as a child of God. Grant me a tender love for Your holy Mother. And may no human tie, however dear, keep me from following the road of the Cross. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 5: Jesus is Helped by Simon
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, Simon first reluctantly helped You to carry Your Cross. Make me better understand the value of my sufferings which should lead me closer to You, as Simon was united with You through the Cross. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be...

Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, how generously did You reward that courageous woman! When I side with You against sin and temptation, You surely will increase the beauty of my soul and fill me with joy and peace. Jesus, give me courage. And, as surely as You imprinted Your Holy Face upon Veronica's veil, stamp Your Grace indelibly upon my heart. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be...

Station 7: Jesus Falls a Second Time
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, despite my good resolutions I have sinned repeatedly. But Your sufferings assure me of forgiveness if only I return to You with a contrite heart. I repent for having offended You. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 8: Jesus Speaks to the Women
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, You told the women to weep for themselves rather than You. Make me weep over my own sins which caused Your sufferings and the loss of my friendship with You. My greatest consolation would be to hear You say: "Many sins are forgiven you, because you have loved much." Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be...

Station 9: Jesus Falls a Third Time
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, I see You bowed to the earth enduring the pains of extreme exhaustion. Grant that I never yield to despair, but come instead to You for help in hardship and spiritual distress. When weary upon life's long journey, be my strength and my perseverance. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 10: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, You permitted Yourself to be stripped of Your garments. Grant that I may sacrifice all my earthly attachments rather than to imperil the eternal life of my soul. My soul has been robbed of its robe of innocence; clothe me, dear Jesus, with the garb of penance and contrition. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 11: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, how could I complain to be nailed to God's commandments which are given for my salvation, when I see You nailed to the Cross? Strengthen my faith and increase my love for You. You forgave Your enemies; my God, teach me to forgive injuries and forget them. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 12: Jesus Dies on the Cross
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, dying on the Cross, Your Sacred Heart still throbbed with love for Your sinful children. You preached love and forgiveness, even as You suffered at our hands. May I be thankful that You have made me a child of God. Help me to forgive all those who have injured me. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 13: Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, a sword of grief pierced Your Mother's heart when You were lying lifeless in her arms. Grant me through her intercession to lead the life of a loyal child of Mary. Receive me into your arms, O Sorrowful Mother, and obtain for me perfect contrition for my sins. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....

Station 14: Jesus is Laid in the Sepulchre
V. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.
R. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus, Your enemies triumphed when they sealed Your tomb. But Your eternal triumph began on Easter morning. Strengthen my good will to live for You until the eternal life of my soul will be manifested in the bliss of heaven. When I receive You into my heart in Holy Communion, O Jesus, make it a fit abiding place for Your adorable Body. Amen.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Jesus, You became an example of humility, obedience and patience, and preceded me on the way of life bearing Your Cross. Grant that, inflamed with Your love, I may cheerfully take upon myself the sweet yoke of Your Gospel together with the mortification of the Cross and follow You as a true disciple so that I may be united with You in heaven. Amen.