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Propers for the Rogation Days-Mon., Tues., and Wed. after the Fifth Sunday after Easter

Rogation Days

   Earthquakes and other calamities afflicted the diocese of Vienne in Dauphine (France) in the fifth century, and St. Mamertus, who was bishop of that diocese, instituted a penitential procession with public supplications on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day. In 816, Pope Leo III, introduced it into Rome, and soon after it became a general observance throughout the Church.
   The Litany of the Saints, the psalms and prayers sung during the procession on these days are supplications: hence the name of Rogation days (rogare, to ask) applied to them. The object of these "rogation" supplications is to appease the anger of God and avert the scourges of His justice, and to pray for the harvest.
   A similar function is observed on April 25th, on the Feast of St. Mark, but this is of Roman origin. It is called the Greater Litanies in contrast to the Lesser Litanies of the Rogation Days: but in practice there is no difference between them.

I. The Procession and Lesser Litanies

   The officiating priest wears a purple stole and cope. The cantors stand as they sing the following:
ANTHEM ¤ Ps. 43. 26

Exsurge, Domine, adjuva nos, et libera nos propter nomen tuum. (Alleluia.) -- Deus auribus nostris audivimus: patres nostri annuntiaverunt nobis. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Exsurge, Domine . . .
Arise, O Lord, help us and deliver us for Thy Name's sake. (Alleluia). -- (Ps. 43. 2). We have heard, O God, with our ears; our father have told us. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- Arise, O Lord . . .
   Then all kneel and two cantors begin the Litany of the Saints. Each invocation is repeated by the choir. At the invocation Sancta Maria all stand and the procession begins. After the Litany of the Saints, the psalm Deus, in adjutorium . . . is sung.

   Kyrie, eleison.
   Christe, eleison.
   Kyrie, eleison.
   Christe, audi nos.
   Christe, exaudi nos.
   Pater de couelis Deus, miserere nobis
   Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus, miserere nobis
   Spiritus Sanctus, Deus, miserere nobis
   Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, miserere nobis
   Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Dei Genetrix, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Virgo virginum, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Michael, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Gabriel, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Raphael, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti beatorum Spirituum ordines, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Joannes Baptista, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Joseph, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Paule, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Andrea, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Jacobe, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Joannes, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Thoma, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Jacobe, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Philippe, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Bartholomaee, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Matthaee, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Simon, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Thaddaee, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Matthia, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Barnaba, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Luca, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Marce, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Apostoli et Evangelistae, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Discipuli Domini, orate pro nobis
   † Omnes sancti Innocentes, orate pro nobis
   Sancte Stephane, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Laureni, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Vincenti, ora pro nobis
   † Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane, ora pro nobis
   † Sancti Joannes et Paule, ora pro nobis
   † Sancti Cosma et Damiane, ora pro nobis
   † Sancti Gervasi et Protasi, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Martyres, orate pro nobis
   Sancte Silvester, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Gregori, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Ambrosi, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Augustine, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Hieronyme, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Martine, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Micolae, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores, orate pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Doctores, orate pro nobis
   Sancte Anttoni, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Benedicte, ora pro nobis
   † Sancte Bernarde, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Dominice, ora pro nobis
   Sancte Fransisce, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Sacerdotes et Levitae, orate pro nobis
   Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremitae, orate pro nobis
   Sancta Maria Magdalena, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Agatha, ora pro nobis
   † Sancta Lucia, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Agnes, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Cecilia, ora pro nobis
   † Sancta Catharina, ora pro nobis
   Sancta Anastasia, ora pro nobis
   Omnes sanctae Virgines et Viduae, orate pro nobis
   Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Dei, intercedite pro nobis
   Propitius esto, parce nobis, Domine
   Propitius esto, exaudi nos, Domine
   Ab omni malo, libera nos, Domine
   Ab omni peccato, libera nos, Domine
   † Ab ira tua, libera nos, Domine
   † A subitanea et improvisa morte, libera nos,    Domine1
   † Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine
   † Ab ira, et odio, et moni mala voluntate, libera nos, Domine
   † A spiritu fornicationis, libera nos, Domine
   † A fulgure et tempestate, libera nos, Domine
   † A flagello terraemostus, libera nos, Domine
   † A peste, fame et bello, libera nos, Domine
   A morte perpertua, libera nos, Domine
   Per mysterium sanctae Incarnationis tuae, libera nos, Domine
   Per adventum tuum, libera nos, Domine
   Per nativatatem tuam, libera nos, Domine
   Per baptismum et sanctum jejunium tuum, libera nos, Domine
   Per crucem et passionem tuam, libera nos, Domine
   Per mortem et sepulturam tuam, libera nos, Domine
   Per sanctam resurrectionem tuam, libera nos, Domine
   Per admirabilem ascensionem tuam, libera nos, Domine
   Per adventum Spiritus Sancti Paracliti, libera nos, Domine
   In die judicii, libera nos, Domine
   Peccatores, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut nobis parcas, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Ut nobis indulgeas, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Ut ad veram poenitentiam nos perducere digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut Ecclesiam tuam sanctam regere et conservare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut domnum apostolicum et omnes ecclesiasticos ordines in sancta religione conservare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos2
   Ut regibus et principibus christianis, pacem et veram concordiam donare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Ut cuncto populo christiano pacem et unitatem largiri digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Ut omnes errantes ad unitatem Ecclesiae revocare, et in fideles universos ad Evangelii lumen perducere digneris, te rogamus, audi nos3
   Ut nosmetipsos in tuo sancto servitio confortare et conservare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Ut mentes nostras ad caelestia desideria erigas, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut omnibus benefactoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribuas, te rogamus, audi nos
   †Ut animas nostras, fratrum, propinquorum, et benefactorum nostrorum ab aeterna damnatione eripias, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut fructus terrae dare et conservare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem aeternam donare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   Ut nos exaudire digneris, te rogamus, audi nos
   † Fili Dei, te rogamus, audi nos
   Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, Domine.
   Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, Domine.
   Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
   Christe, audi nos.
   Christe, exaudi nos.
   Kyrie, eleison.
   Christe, eleison.
   Kyrie, eleison.
   Pater noster . . . (secreto)
V.: Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
R.: Sed libera nos a malo.

   Lord, have mercy on us.
   Christ, have mercy on us.
   Lord, have mercy on us.
   Christ, hear us.
   Christ, graciously hear us.
   God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us
   God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
   God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
   Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us
   Holy Mary, pray    for us
   Holy Mother of God, pray for us
   Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us
   St. Michael, pray for us
   St. Gabriel, pray for us
   St. Raphael, pray for us
   All ye holy Angels and Archangels, pray for us
   All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits pray for us
   St. John Baptist, pray for us
   St. Joseph, pray for us
   All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, pray for us
   St. Peter, pray for us
   St. Paul, pray for us
   St. Andrew, pray for us
   † St. James, pray for us
   St. John, pray for us
   † St. Thomas, pray for us
   † St. James, pray for us
   † St. Philip, pray for us
   † St. Bartholomew, pray for us
   † St. Matthew, pray for us
   † St. Simon, pray for us
   † St. Thaddeus, pray for us
   † St. Matthias, pray for us
   † St. Barnabas, pray for us
   † St. Luke, pray for us
   † St. Mark, pray for us
   All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, pray for us
   All ye holy Disciples of our Lord, pray for us
   † All ye holy Innocents, pray for us
   St. Stephen, pray for us
   St. Lawrence, pray for us
   St. Vincent, pray for us
   † St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, pray for us
   † St. John and St. Paul, pray for us
   † St. Cosmas and St. Damian, pray for us
   † St. Gervase and St. Protase, pray for us
   All ye holy Martyrs, pray for us
   St. Sylvester, pray for us
   St. Gregory, pray for us
   † St. Ambrose, pray for us
   St. Augustine, pray for us
   † St. Jerome, pray for us
   † St. Marin, pray for us
   † St. Nicholas, pray for us
   All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, pray for us
   All ye holy Doctors, pray for us
   St. Anthony, pray for us
   St. Benedict, pray for us
   † St. Bernard, pray for us
   St. Dominic, pray for us
   St. Francis, pray for us
   All ye holy Priests and Levites, pray for us
   All ye holy Monks and Hermits, pray for us
   St. Mary Magdalen, pray for us
   St. Agatha, pray for us
   † St. Lucy, pray for us
   St. Agnes, pray for us
   St. Cecilia, pray for us
   † St. Catharine, pray for us
   St. Anastasia, pray for us
   All ye holy Virgins and Widows, pray for us
   All ye holy Men and Women, Saints of God, pray for us
   Be merciful, spare us, O Lord
   Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord
   From all evil, deliver us, O Lord
   From all sin, deliver us, O Lord
   † From Thy wrath, deliver us, O Lord
   † From sudden and unprovided death, deliver us, O    Lord1
   † From the snares of the devil, deliver us, O Lord
   † From anger, and hatred, and all ill will, deliver us, O Lord
   † From the spirit of fornication, deliver us, O Lord
   † From lightning and tempest, deliver us, O Lord
   † From the scourge of earthquake, deliver us, O Lord
   † From plague, famine, and war, deliver us, O Lord
   From everlasting death, deliver us, O Lord
   Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy coming, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy Nativity, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy Baptism and holy fasting, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy Cross and Passion, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy Death and Burial, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy holy Resurrection, deliver us, O Lord
   Through Thy wonderful Ascension, deliver us, O Lord
   Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, deliver us, O Lord
   In the day of judgment, deliver us, O Lord
   We sinners, beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst spare us, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst pardon us, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve our Apostolic Prelate, and all orders of the Church in holy religion, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to humble the enemies of holy Church, we beseech Thee, to hear us2
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give peace and true concord to Christian kings and princes, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give peace and unity to all Christian People., we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst restore to the unity of the Church all who have strayed from the truth, and lead all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, we beseech Thee, to hear us3
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to confirm and preserve us in Thy holy service, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   † That Thou wouldst deliver our souls, and the souls of our brethren, relations, and benefactors from eternal damnation, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   That Thou wouldst vouchsafe graciously to hear us, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   Son of God, we beseech Thee, to hear us
   Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
   Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
   Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
   Christ, hear us.
   Christ, graciously hear us.
   Lord, have mercy on us.
   Christ, have mercy on us.
   Lord, have mercy on us.
   Our Father . . . (secretly)
V.: And lead us not into temptation.
R.: But deliver us from evil.


   Deus, in adjutorium meum intende: * Domine: ad adjuvandum me festina.4
   Confundantur et revereantur, * qui quaerunt animam meam:
   Avertantur retrorsum, et erubescant, * qui volunt mihi mala:
   Avertantur statim erubescentes, * qui dicunt mihi: Euge, euge.
   Exsultent et laetentur in te omnes qui quaerunt te, * et dicant semper: Magnificetur Dominus: qui diligunt salutare tuum.
   Ego vero egenus, et pauper sum: * Deus, adjuva me.
   Adjutor meus, et liberator meus es tu: * Domine, ne moreris.
   Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
   Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
   V.: Salvos fac servos tuos.
   R.: Deus meus, sperantes in te.
   V.: Esto nobis, Domine, turris fortitudinis.
   R.: A facie inimici.
   V.: Nihil proficiat inimicus in nobis.
   R.: Et filius iniquitatis non apponat nocere nobis.
   V.: Domine, non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis.
   R.: Neque secundum iniquitates nostras retribuas nobis.
   V.: Oremus pro Pontifice nostro N...6

   R.: Dominus conservet eum, et vivifice eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum ejus.
   V.: Oremus pro benefactoribus nostris
   R.: Retribuere dignare Domine, omnibus nobis bona facentibus propter nomen tuum vitam aeternam. Amen.7
   V.: Oremus pro fidelibus defunctis.
   R.: Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
   V.: Requiescant in pace.
   R.: Amen.

   V.: Pro fratribus nostris absentibus.
   R.: Salvos fac servos tuos, Deus meus, sperantes in te.
   V.: Mitte eis, Domine, auxilium de sancto.
   R.: Et de Sion tuere eos.
   V.: Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
   R.: Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
   V.: Dominus vobiscum.
   R.: Et cum spiritu tuo.

   O God, come to my assistance: O Lord, make haste to help me.4
   Let them be ashamed and confounded, that seek after my soul.
   Let them be turned backward and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.
   Let them be turned back with shame, that say unto me, Aha, aha.
   Let all those that seek Thee be joyful and glad in Thee, and let such as love Thy salvation say continually: Let the Lord be magnified.
   But I am poor and needy: help me, O God.
   Thou art my helper and my deliverer: O Lord, make no delay.
   Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
   As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
   V.: Save Thy servants.
   R.: Who hope in Thee, O my God.
   V.: Be unto us, O Lord, a tower of strength.
   R.: From the face of the enemy.
   V.: Let not the enemy prevail against us.
   R.: Nor the son of wickedness have power to hurt us.
   V.: O Lord, deal not with us according to our sins.
   R.: Neither requite us according to our iniquities.
   V.: Let us pray for our Sovereign Pontiff N...6

   R.: The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.
   V.: Let us pray for our benefactors.
   R.: Vouchsafe, O Lord, for Thy Name's sake, to reward with eternal life all those who do us good, Amen.7
   V.: Let us pray for the faithful departed.
   R.: Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
   V.: May they rest in peace.
   R.: Amen.

   V.: For our absent brethren.
   R.: Save Thy servants, who hope in Thee, O my God.
   V.: Send them help, O Lord, from the holy place.
   R.: And from Sion protect them.
   V.: O Lord, hear my prayer.
   R.: And let my cry come unto Thee.
   V.: The Lord be with you.
   R.: And with Thy spirit.
   Let us pray. -- O God, whose property is always to have pity and to spare, receive our humble petition: that we, and all Thy servants who are bound by the chains of sin, may by the compassion of Thy goodness mercifully be absolved.
   Graciously hear, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the prayers of Thy suppliants, and pardon the sins of them that confess to Thee: that, in Thy bounty, Thou mayest grant us both pardon and peace.
   In Thy clemency, O Lord, show unto us Thine unspeakable mercy: that Thou mayest both loose us from all our sins, and deliver us from the punishments which we deserve for them.
   O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication to THee, and turn away the scourges of Thine anger, which we deserve for our sins.

   Almighty, everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy servant N., our Sovereign Pontiff, and direct him according to Thy clemency into the way of everlasting salvation, that by Thy grace he may both desire those things that are pleasing to Thee, and perform them with all his strength.9
   O God, from whom are holy desires, right counsels, and just works, give to Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give: that our hearts being devoted to the keeping of Thy commandments, and the fear of enemies being removed, the times, by Thy protection, may be peaceful.
   Inflame, O Lord, our reins and hearts with the fires of the Holy Ghost: that we may serve Thee with a chaste body and please Thee with a clean heart.
   O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, give to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins: that through devout supplications they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired.

   Direct, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our actions by Thy holy inspirations, and carry them on by Thy gracious assistance: that every prayer and work of ours may begin always from Thee, and through Thee may be happily ended.10
   Almighty, everlasting God, who hast dominion over the living and the dead, and art merciful to all, of whom Thou foreknowest that they will be Thine by faith and good works: we humbly beseech Thee, that they for whom we intend to pour forth our prayers, whether this present world still detain them in the flesh, or the world to come hath already received them out of their bodies, may, through the intercession of all Thy Saints, by the clemency of Thy goodness, obtain the remission of all their sins. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth . . .
   R.: Amen.
   V.: Dominus vobiscum.
   R.: Et cum spiritu tuo.
   V.: Exaudiat nos omnipotens et misericors Dominus.
   R.: Amen.
   V.: Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace.
   R.: Amen.

   R.: Amen.
   V.: The Lord be with you.
   R.: And with thy spirit.
   V.: May the almighty and merciful Lord graciously hear us.
   R.: Amen.
   V.: And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
   R.: Amen.

II. Mass


INTROIT ¤ Ps. 17. 7

Exaudivit de templo sancto suo vocem meam, alleluia: et clamor meus in conspectu ejus, introivit in aures ejus, alleluia, alleluia. -- Diligam te, Domine, virtus mea: Dominus firmamentum meum, et refugium meum, et liberator meus. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Exaudivit de templo . . .
He heard my voice from His holy temple, alleluia: and my cry before Him came into His ears, alleluia, alleluia. -- (Ps. 17. 2, 3). I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength: the Lord is my firmament, my refuge and my deliverer. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- He heard my voice from His holy temple . . .
The Gloria in Excelsis is not said.

COLLECT.--Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we, who in our affliction put our trust in Thy mercy, may ever be defended by Thy protection against all adversities. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .

EPISTLE ¤ James 5. 16-20
Lesson from the Epistle of Blessed James the Apostle.
["Pray for one another, that you may be saved."]
Dearly beloved, Confess your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be saved: for the continual prayer of a just man availeth much. Elias was a man passible like unto us: and with prayer he prayed that it might not rain upon the earth, and it rained not for three years and six months. And he prayed again: and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. My brethren, if any of you err from the truth and one convert him, he must know that he who causeth a sinner to be converted from the error of his way shall save his soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.

GRADUAL ¤ Ps. 117. 1.

Alleluia. V.: Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus: quoniam in saeculum misericordia ejus.
Alleluia. V.: Give praise to the Lord, for His is good; for his mercy endureth forever.

GOSPEL ¤ Luke 11. 5-13
† Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke.
["Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you." Trust and constance in prayer.]
At that time Jesus said to His disciples: Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight, and shall say to him: Friend, lend me three loaves, because a friend of mine is come off his journey to me, and I have not what to set before him; and he from within should say: Trouble me not, the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed: I cannot rise and give thee. Yet if he shall continue knocking, I say to you, although he will not rise and give him because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise, and give him as many as he needeth. And I say to you: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that kicketh it shall be opened. And which of you, if he ask his father bread, will he give him a stone? or a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? or if he shall ask an egg, will he reach him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, known how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from heaven give the good Spirit to them that ask Him?
The Credo is not said.

OFFERTORY ¤ Ps. 113. 30, 31
Confitebor Domino nimis in ore meo: et in medio multorum laudabo eum, qui astitit a dextris pauperis: ut salvam faceret a persequentibus animam meam, alleluia.
I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth, and in the midst of many I will praise Him, because He standeth at the right hand of the poor: to save my soul from them that persecute me, alleluia.

SECRET.--May these oblations, O Lord, we beseech Thee, both loosen the bonds of our wickedness, and obtain for us the gifts of Thy mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth. . .

Preface for Easter
Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, te quidem Domine omni tempore, sed in hac potissimum gloriosis praedicare, cum Pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus. Ipse enim verus est Angus qui abstulit peccata mundi. Qui mortem nostram moriendo destruxit, et vitam resurgendo reparavit. Et ideo cum Angelis et Archangelis, cum Thronis et Dominationibus, cumque omnia milita coelestis exercitus, hymnum gloriae tuae canimus, sine fine dicentes:
It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, at all times to praise Thee, O Lord, but more gloriously at this time above others when Christ our Pasch was sacrificed. For He is the Lamb Who hath taken away the sins of the world: Who by dying hath destroyed our death: and by rising again hath restored us to life. And therefore with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominations, and with all the hosts of the heavenly army, we sing the hymn of Thy glory, evermore saying:

COMMUNION ¤ Luke 11. 9, 10
Petite, et accipientis: quaerite, et invenietis: pulsate, et aperietur vobis: omnis enim, qui petit, accipit: et qui quaerit, invenit: et pulsanti aperietur, alleluia.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. FOr every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened, alleluia.

POSTCOMMUNION.--Grant to us, O Lord, that filled with strength from this heavenly table, we may both desire what is right, and obtain that which we desire. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth . . .