Propers for Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Sunday after the Circumcision
(or January 2)

Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

2nd Class
This Feast is kept on the First Sunday of the Year; but if this Sunday falls on Jan. 1st, or 6th, or 7th, the Feast is kept on Jan. 2nd.
INTROIT ¤ Philip 2. 10, 11

   In nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur, coelestium, terrestrium, et infernorum: et omnis lingua confiteator, quia Dominus Jesus Christus in floria est Dei Patris. -- Domine Dominus noster: quam admirabile est nomen tuum in universa terra! V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- In nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur . . .
   In the Name of Jesus let every knee bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth: and let every tongue confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father. -- (Ps.8. 2). O Lord our Lord: how admirable is Thy Name in the whole earth! V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- In the Name of Jesus . . .

   COLLECT.--O God, Who didst constitute Thine only-begotten Son the Savior of Mankind, and didst bid Him to be called Jesus: mercifully grant, that we who venerate His holy Name on earth, may fully enjoy also the vision of Him in heaven. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .

EPISTLE ¤ Acts 4. 8-12
Lesson from the Acts of the Apostles.
[This Name means Savior, "for there is no other name given to men whereby we must be saved."]

   In those days, Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said to them: Ye princes of the people and ancients, hear: if we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man by what means he hath been made whole, be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel: that by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom your crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by Him this man standeth here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner: neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.

GRADUAL ¤ Ps. 105. 47

   Salvos fac nos, Domine, Deus noster, et congrega nos de nationibus: ut confiteamur nomini sancto tuo, et gloriemur in gloria tua. V.: Tu, Domine, Pater noster, et Redemptor noster: a saeculo nomen tuum.
   Alleluia, alleluia. V.: Laudem Domini loquetur os meum et benedicat omnis caro nomen sanctum ejus. Alleluia.

   Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the nations: that we may give thanks to Thy holy Name, and may glory in Thy praise. V.: (Isa. 63. 16) Thou, O Lord, our Father and our Redeemer: from everlasting is Thy Name.
   Alleluia, alleluia. V.: (Ps. 144. 21) My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless His holy Name. Alleluia

GOSPEL ¤ Luke 2. 21.
† Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke.
[Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ.]

   At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised: His Name was called Jesus, which was called by the Angel before He was conceived in the womb.

OFFERTORY ¤ Ps. 85. 12, 5

   Confitebor tibi, Domine Deus meus, in toto corde meo, et glorificabo nomen tuum in aeternum: quoniam tu, Domine, suavis et mitis es: et multae misericordiae omnibus invocantibus te, alleluia.
   I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Thy Name for ever: for Thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild: and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon Thee, alleluia.

   SECRET.--May Thy blessing, O most merciful God, by which every creature lives, sanctify, we beseech Thee, this our Sacrifice, which we offer unto Thee to the glory of the Name of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that it may be well-pleasing to Thy Majesty for Thy praise, and profit us unto salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .

Preface of the Nativity

   Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique gratias agere: Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus: Quia per incarnati Verbi mysterium nova mentis nostrae oculis lux tuae claritatis infulsit: ut, dum visibiliter Deum cognoscimus, per hunc in invisibilum amorem rapiamur. Et ideo cum Angelis et Archangelis, cum Thronis et Dominationibus, cumque omni militai coelestis exercitus, hymnum gloriae tuae canimus sine fine dicentes:
   It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, for through the Mystery of the Word made flesh, the new light of Thy glory hath shone upon the eyes of our mind, so that while we acknowledge God in visible form, we may through Him be drawn to the love of things invisible. And therefore with Angels and Archangels, with Throne and Dominations, and with all the hosts of the heavenly army, we sing the hymn of Thy glory, evermore saying:

COMMUNION ¤ Ps. 85. 9, 10

   Omnes gentes quascumque fecisti, venient, et adorabunt coram te, Domine, et glorificabunt nomen tuum: quoniam magnus es tu, et faciens mirabilia: tu es Deus solus. Alleluia.
   All the nations Thou hast made shall come and adore before Thee, O Lord, and they shall glorify Thy Name: for Thou art great, and dost wonderful things: Thou art God alone.

   POSTCOMMUNION.--O almighty and everlasting God, who didst create and redeem us, look graciously upon our prayer, and with a favorable and benign countenance deign to accept the Sacrifice of the saving Victim which we have offered to Thy Majesty in honor of the Name of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: that through the infusion of Thy grace we may rejoice that our names are written in heaven, under the glorious Name of Jesus, the pledge of eternal predestination. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .