+ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. +

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) for the sake of your Holy Name, hear us.

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) we beseech You, graciously hear us.

God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, divine Advocate, have mercy on us.
Most Holy Trinity, one God in Three Persons, have mercy on us.

From the spirit of fear…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of idolatry…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of confusion…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of distortion…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every deception and all lies…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of pornography…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of fornication…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of adultery…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of homosexuality…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of masturbation…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every impure and unholy thought…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of rape…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of incest…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every form of sexual violence…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of blasphemy…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of sacrilege…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every profanity and obscenity…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of suicide…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of assisted suicide…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of murder…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of abortion…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of euthanasia…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of artificial contraception…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of wrath…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of lust…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of gluttony…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of envy…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of pride…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of covetousness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of slothfulness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of ignorance…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of disobedience…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of self-righteousness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Satanism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Witchcraft…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Voodoo…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Astrology…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Reiki…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Tarot Card reading…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Devil worship…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of pagan eastern meditation…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Divination…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Channeling…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Psychic Healing…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Spiritualism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Christ Consciousness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Enlightenment…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Hypnotherapy…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Theosophy…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of pagan human sacrifice…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of unholy visions and dreams…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every abomination of the Occult…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every New Age spirituality and practice…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every form of paganism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every form of Godlessness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of false prophets…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of false messiahs…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of false teachers…deliver us, O Jesus!
From every spirit of demonic possession…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the desire for and love of every form of worldly power …deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the desire for wealth and the love of money…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the desire for fame and the love of recognition…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the desire for honors and the love of exaltation…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the pride of life…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the lusts of the flesh…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the lusts of the eyes…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the enticements of the world, the flesh, and the Devil…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Consumerism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Humanism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Egoism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Individualism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Hedonism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Relativism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Materialism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Rationalism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Polytheism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of Nihilism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every form of excessive self-indulgence…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of bulimia…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of anorexia…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of over-eating…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every form of lack of self-control…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of atheism and disbelief…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of agnosticism and indecision…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every heresy and wrong belief…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of apostasy…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of schism…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of every demon-inspired mental illness…deliver us, O Jesus!
From the spirit of the Antichrist…deliver us, O Jesus!

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) in Your loving mercy, hear our prayer.

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) we beseech You: cover us with Your most Precious Blood.

Satan, also known as the Devil and Lucifer…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, full of empty promises…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, master of the glamour of evil…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, prince of the power of the air…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, murderer from the beginning…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, liar from the beginning…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, holder of the power of death…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, primordial enemy of the gift of life…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, ancient serpent in the Garden of Eden…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, deceptive angel of light…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, ancient deceiver of the whole world…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, ruin of the souls of men…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, ancient tempter of the human race…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, god and ruler of this world…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, prince of the kingdoms of this world…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, holder of the mark of the Beast…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, fallen like lightning from the sky…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, leader and source of the fall of the angels…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, ancient dragon of the underworld…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, whose end is eternal damnation…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, whose end is the eternal torments of Hell…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, whose end is the second death and lake of fire…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, whose end is the depths of the great Abyss…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, primordial enemy of the faith…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, cast out of heaven by the Archangel Michael…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, powerless against the Cross of the Lord…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, powerless against Christ, the even-stronger man…I renounce in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, crushed under the foot of the Savior…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, whose knee must bend at the name of Jesus…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, always subject to the power of Almighty God…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, condemned in the sight of God and of all creation…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, who flees from us at our resistance…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, powerless over the sinless Christ, the Son of God…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Satan, powerless over Mary, the Immaculate Conception…I renounce you in the name of Jesus Christ!

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) save us from the power of our adversary, the Devil.

V.) O Lord Jesus Christ,
R.) keep us free from the snares of the Evil One.

By the strength of Your most holy Incarnation, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your mysterious hidden life, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your life-giving Baptism, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your holy miracles, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of your good and mighty deeds, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your preaching of the Gospel, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your most luminous Transfiguration, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the institution of Your holy Church, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your institution of the Most Holy Eucharist, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your redeeming Passion, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your saving Crucifixion, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength (bow) of Your most solemn Death, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your most glorious Resurrection, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your most blessed Ascension, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of Your sending of the Holy Spirit, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the preaching of Your holy Apostles, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the good and mighty deeds of Your holy Apostles, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the faith of Your holy Church, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the good works of Your holy Church, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the sacraments of Your holy Church, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of all the Holy Masses of Your holy Church, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!
By the strength of the intercession of all Your Saints and Angels, free us from evil, Lord Jesus!

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be….

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord!

V.) Our help is in the Name of the Lord,
R.) Who made heaven and earth.


Almighty and ever-living God, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, You offer to us the fullness of life in this world and the joy of eternal life forever in Your Kingdom. Through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and by the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and of all the Saints and Angels, may we know Your protection, in this life, from all the snares of the Devil. Help us to remain faithful to You, so that we may enjoy the glory of heaven in the life to come. Be always near us, protect us from all evil, grant us Your blessings, clothe us with the full Armor of God, and grant us continued strength and grace in our earthly battle against Satan and all the powers of darkness.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.