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Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory

Prayer dictated by Jesus to Saint Matilde

to help the souls of the dead ones in the Purgatory
(To recite with devotion and love the following prayer for nine consecutive days)
Father ours that you are in the skies I pray you, or celestial Father, forgives to the poor souls of the purgatory, because they have not loved You, them Lord and Father, that You, for pure your grace, has made your daughters, and you/they has not made you that honor, that you/they owed to you, but you/they have estranged You with the sin from their heart, where You wanted to always live. To wash that debts I offer to You that love and honor, that Your Unigenito Child You has made during all of his life on the earth and all the actions and the actions of penitence and satisfaction, with which He has washed the sins of the men and you/he/she has expiated them. Amen!
Your name is sanctified Me I incessantly beg You, or buonissimo Father, forgives to the poor souls, because not they have always honored worthily Your Saint name, but you/they have superficially had instead so often it on the mouth and with a life of sin they are made some name of Christians unworthy. In reparation of these sins of theirs, I offer to You the whole honor, that Your beloved Child has made You on the earth with his preaching and his works for Your Name. Amen!
Your kingdom I come I pray You, agreeable Father, forgives to the poor souls, because them not always and with great desire you/they have looked for You and your kingdom with thoughtful diligence. For reparation of their superficiality in to do the good, I offer to You the saints desires of Your child, with which He desires and he/she asks, that also they are coeredi of his Kingdom. Amen!
Is done your wish as in sky so in earth I pray You, or benign Father, forgives to the poor souls because not you/they have always submitted their wish to Yours and you/they have not tried to complete her/it in all the things, but they too often live according to his/her own will and so you/they have acted. For their disobedience I offer to You the perfect union of the loving Heart of Your Child with Your holy wish and his deep subjugation with which He was You obedient up to the death in cross. Amen!
Give to us our daily bread today I pray You, Agreeable Father, forgives to the poor souls, because not they always have ricevuto the Holy Sacrament of the altar with deep desire, but often without devotion or even unworthily, or you/they have neglected to receive him/it. For these sins of theirs I offer to You the great Holiness and the devotion of Jesus Cristo, Your Child, as also his great love with which He has made to us this holy gift and you/he/she has given Well to us this tall. Amen!
You put again to us our debts as we put again them to us to our debtors I pray You, buonissimo Father forgives to the poor souls of the purgatory all the debts, on that they are assumed if with the seven capital sins, and above all, because they have not loved their enemies and you/they have not wanted to forgive them. For these sins I offer to You the loving prayer, that Your Child has addressed on the Cross for his enemies. Amen!
And not to induce to us in temptation I pray You, or benign Father, forgives to the poor souls, because them so much you/they have not often opposed any resistance to the temptations and their passions, but you/they have followed the malignant enemy and you/they have satisfied the desires of the meat. For these them manifold and different sins I offer to You the glorious victory of Jesus Cristo, with which He has won the world and his job, his works, his holy life and his bitter Passion. Amen!
But free us from the evil it is for all the punishments for the worths of Your beloved Child, and you conduct the poor souls and us in the Kingdom of the eternal glory, that you are You same. Amen!
Prayer of Saint Gertrude the Great
(as dictated by Jesus, every time we say this prayer it releases 1,000.00 souls from the Purgatory)

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for all sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen