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Prayers for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

Prayers for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

Grant Poor Souls eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen, all for the
greater honor and glory of God.
Tender God of Mercy, You so loved us that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to be our Redeemer. In Him we have come to know You and love You. As we draw closer to You, we seek to share the Good News of Your powerful life-giving Love. In this month of the Holy Souls, we pray for all the faithful departed, and especially for the relatives, friends, and neighbors who brightened our lives.
(here pause to mention those you wish to remember)
Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I commend them to Your Divine Mercy. May they welcome these souls into Your heavenly garden. Tender God of Mercy, may these souls, all who sleep in Christ, and all who seek You with a sincere heart, find in Your Presence light, happiness, and peace. Lead them into the fullness of the resurrection and gladden them with the light of Your Face. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Souls in Purgatory
O, Holy Souls in Purgatory, you are the most certain heirs of heaven. You are most dear to Jesus as the trophies of His Precious Blood and to Mary, mother of mercy. Obtain for me through your intercession the grace to lead a holy life, to die a happy death, and to attain to the blessedness of eternity in heaven.
Dear suffering souls, who long to be delivered in order to praise and glorify God in heaven, by your unfailing pity help me in the needs which distress me at this time, particularly (name your needs), so that I may obtain relief and assistance from God.
In gratitude for your intercession, I offer to God in your behalf the satisfactory merits of my prayer and work, my joys and sufferings of this day (week, month, or whatever space of time you wish to designate). Amen.
Prayer for Everlasting Life
Tender God of Mercy, You so loved us that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to be our Redeemer. In Him, we have come to know You and love You. As we draw closer to You, we seek to share the Good News of Your powerful life-giving love.
In this month of the Holy Souls, we pray for all the faithful departed, and especially for the relatives, friends, and neighbors who brightened our lives. Make room for them in the embrace of Your love--and in Your enormous Heart.
(Here pause to mention those you wish to specifically remember)
Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I commend them to Your Divine Mercy. May they welcome them into Your heavenly garden.
Tender God of Mercy, may these souls, all who sleep in Christ, and all who seek You with a sincere heart, find in Your Presence light, happiness, and peace. Lead them to the fullness of the resurrection and gladden them with the light of Your Face. Amen.
Eternal Father, I offer You the most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my home and within my own family. Amen.
Prayer for the Most Neglected Souls
Jesus, for the sake of the agony that You endured during Your fear of death in the Garden of Gethsemane, at the Scourging and Crowning, on the way to Mt. Calvary, at Your Crucifixion and at Your Death, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory and especially on those who are completely forgotten! Deliver them from their bitter pains, call them to You and embrace them in Your Arms in Heaven!
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
Lord, grant them eternal rest. Amen.
O Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Sacred Blood that You shed during Your fear of death in the Garden of Gethsemane, please deliver the souls of Your faithful from the sufferings of the fires of Purgatory, in particular those who are most neglected, and lead them to their place in Your Splendor to glorify and praise You in eternity.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
O Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Sacred Blood that You shed during Your merciless flogging, please deliver all the souls of the faithful, in particular those who are closest to their liberation, and lead them to seeing You so that they may glorify and praise You in eternity.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
O Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Sacred Blood that You shed during Your painful Crowning, please deliver all souls of the Christian faithful from the dungeon of Purgatory, in particular those who would have to suffer there very much longer, and lead them into the Blessed Community of the Chosen, so that they may glorify and praise You in eternity.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
O Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Sacred Blood that You shed during Your gruesome Crucifixion, please deliver all the souls of the departed, in particular those of my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, my relatives, my benefactors, and lead them to eternal joys, so that they may glorify and praise You in eternity.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
O Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Sacred Blood that poured from Your Blessed Side, please deliver all Poor Souls from Purgatory, in particular those who during their lives especially served Your Blessed Virgin Mother, and lead them to Your Eternal Glory, so that they may glorify and praise You in eternity.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary
Chaplet for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
Using a regular rosary, on the large beads we pray:
O Poor Souls, draw the fire of God's Love into my soul, to reveal Jesus crucified in me here on earth rather than hereafter in Purgatory.
On the small beads, we pray: Crucified Lord Jesus, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory.
Pray at the end, 3 times:
Glory be to the Father.....
Rosary for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
Here we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries. Before each decade, we pray what concerns the particular mystery, and instead of ending the decades with Glory Be..., we pray:
Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them!
Begin the Rosary normally, and then before the first decade is prayed, but after the 1st Sorrowful Mystery is stated, pray:
Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your bloody sweat of fear that You shed on the Mount of Olives, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Deliver them from their fear and pain and console them with the cup of heavenly comfort!
Before the second decade is prayed, but after the 2nd Sorrowful Mystery is stated, pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Scourging which You tolerated so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Retract from them the pain of Your anger and give them eternal rest!
Before the third decade is prayed, but after the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery is stated, pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crowning which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory, and give them the crown of eternal delight!
Before the fourth decade is prayed, but after the 4th Sorrowful Mystery is stated, pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Carrying of the Cross, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Remove from them the heavy burden of suffering and lead them into eternal peace!
Before the fifth decade is prayed, but after the 5th Sorrowful Mystery is stated, pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crucifixion, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Turn Your Holy Face toward them and let them today be in Paradise with You!
After praying the last decade, we pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, through Your five Holy Wounds and through all of Your Sacred Blood that You shed, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory, and in particular for our parents, relatives, spiritual guides, and benefactors. Heal their painful wounds and let them enjoy and participate fully in Your Salvation. Amen.
Prayer of Sacrifice for the Poor Souls
Almighty, Eternal God! Because it is Your Will that we pray for the Poor Souls, I offer You, through Mary's most unblemished hands, all the Masses that are celebrated today, for Your highest honor and for the redemption of the souls in Purgatory. Humbly, I beg of You, erase their guilt through the overly rich merits of Your Most Beloved Son and have mercy on them. For the restitution of the praise, the love, the honor, the thanks, and the merits that these souls neglected to show and to gather, I offer You all the praise, the love, the honor, the thanks, and the troubles of Your Son through which He honored You while here in the world.
In reparation for all neglects and tepidity, which these souls committed, I offer You the glowing zeal with which Your Son did all His works here on earth and which are now renewed and brought to You in all Holy Masses.
In reparation for all mistakes and all that was left undone by these souls, I offer You all virtues which Your Son practiced in totality and which He now still practices and completes in all Holy Masses.
For the cleansing of all stains of sin that these souls still show, I offer You the Sacred Blood which Your Son shed while here on earth and which He now renews and continues in all Holy Masses.
As discharge from all punishments and torments, which these souls endure, I offer You the bitter Passion and Death of Your most Beloved Son, which He now renews and continues in all Holy Masses.
For their rescue from the burning dungeon, I offer You the infinite merits which Your Son earned on earth and which He now still exercises and distributes in all Holy Masses.
Finally, in order to do enough to fulfill Your strict justice, I offer You all virtues and merits which the entire life, suffering, and death of Your most Beloved Son, His holiest Mother, all saints and chosen ones who together suffered more than the dear Poor Souls left undone. Amen.
Lord's Prayer for the Poor Souls, as given to St. Matilda
OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN: We most humbly beseech You--good, merciful and eternal Father--forgive the Poor Souls who You Yourself have taken as Your children, who did not love You and who pushed You away from them and neglected to give You sufficient honor. As reparation and penance I offer You all the love and good deeds of Your most beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
HALLOWED BE THY NAME: I most humbly beseech You--good, merciful and eternal Father--forgive the Poor Souls who did not give glory to Your Name, who often spoke unworthily or thoughtlessly. As reparation and penance I offer You all the sermons with which Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, honored Your Name while here on earth.
THY KINGDOM COME: We beseech You most humbly--good eternal and merciful Father--forgive the Poor Souls who did not attend to Your kingdome with a burning love and a yearning wish but who often enriched themselves with earthly goods. As reparation and penance, I offer You the great offering that Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, made so that all can be taken into Your kingdom.
THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN: We beseech You most humbly--good, eternal and merciful Father--forgive the Poor Souls who did not serve Your Will but often followed their own will and who thereby did not do Your Will. As reparation and penance, we offer You the Holy and Divine Heart of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and its total will service.
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US: We beseech You most humbly--good, eternal and merciful Father--forgive the Poor Souls who offered no resistance to big temptations but who fell to the urgings of evil and into ruin. As reparation and penance we offer You the obedience, the tiring work, all the bitter sufferings and the death of Your most beloved Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
AND DELIVER US FROM EVIL: We most humbly beseech You--good, eternal and merciful Father--forgive the Poor Souls and lead them as well as our souls, through the merits of Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into the kingdom of Your Holiness, which You Yourself are. Amen.
Attend Mass and have a Mass offered for them, if at all possible. Offerings of the Precious Blood and the Way of the Cross are also powerful means of helping them and obtaining their help.