About the Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

33 AD: Veronica wipes Our Lord's face with her veil and an image of His Holy Face miraculously appears on the veil. Veronica later passes the relic of the veil to Clement I (3rd successor of St. Peter). The relic of the veil was kept in catacombs for the next 3 centuries during persecutions of the Church. After that time, Holy Veil was placed in the church that was constructed over the tomb of St. Peter (later to become the Basilica of St. Peter). The Holy Veil has since been kept intact throughout the centuries.
The Holy Face of Jesus from the image of Veronica's veil
(The veil is kept in St. Peters Basilica, Rome.)

1843-1847: Sister Mary of St. Peter, a Carmelite nun in Tours France experiences a series of revelations from Our Lord about a powerful devotion He wished to be established worldwide - the devotion to His Holy Face. The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the numerous blasphemies and profanities taking place in the world but was also established as a means through which we can all appeal to God for anything we wish.

The devotion revealed by Our Lord to Sister Mary of St. Peter consists primarily of reciting the "Golden Arrow Prayer" and the "Litany of the Holy Face" (as seen on our Devotion page). It also consists of some additional prayers said with a chaplet (or small rosary) and wearing of a Holy Face Cross engraved with the words "Blessed be the Name of God" on the front and "Begone, Satan!" on the back.

1849: Shortly after the death of Sister Mary of St. Peter, Pope Pius IX ordered public prayers be offered in all churches in Rome to implore God's mercy on the Papal States due to revolution occurring at the time. As part of these public prayers, a three-day exposition of the relic of Veronica's veil was held for public veneration at St. Peter's Basilica. On the third day of the showing, a miracle occurred through which Our Lord's face on the veil became very distinct and glowed with a soft light. The Canons of the Basilica ordered the bells rung at sight of the miracle, which attracted crowds of people. The miracle lasted for three hours, and was attested to by an apostolic notary during the incident.

1849-1876: Two of the relics were sent to Leo Dupont who continued the Holy Face devotion on his own throughout the rest of his life until 1876. Leo Dupont hung one of these images in his parlor and kept a crystal oil lamp in front of it, lit continuously as a sign of veneration. Soon afterward miracles of healings started to occur to those who said the devotional prayers ("Golden Arrow Prayer", the "Litany of the Holy Face") with Leo Dupont in front of his Holy Face image, and who anointed themselves with the oil from his lamp. These miracles continued for 30 years and were so numerous that Pope Pius IX declared Leo Dupont to be perhaps one of the greatest miracle workers in Church history!

The fact that so many first class miracles occurred through this devotion attests to the authenticity of the revelations from Our Lord to Sister Mary of St. Peter.

1885: While devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus has always existed in some form or another, these revelations and miraculous occurrences lead to this special devotion being established by Pope Leo XIII as an archconfraternity; and contrary to custom, He immediately established it for the ENTIRE WORLD.

1885-1897: It was a well-known fact the St. Therese of Lisieux and her family registered as members of the Archconfraternity of Reparation to the Holy Face at Tours France and that St. Therese herself was so devoted to this that she added the title to her name at the time she took the habit. This is why you will often see St. Therese referred to as St. Therese of the Child Jesus "and of the Holy Face".
"Rejoice, My Daughter, because the hour approaches when the most beautiful work under the sun will be born."
Our Lord To Sister Mary of St. Peter

Revelations to Sr. Mary of St. Peter,
Discalced Carmelite Nun of Tours, France,
in favor of those who honor His Holy Face. Details of these revelations are found in the book named The Golden Arrow (
the autobiography of Sister Mary of St. Peter)

bullet 1. By offering My Face to My Eternal Father, nothing will be refused, and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained.
bullet 2. By My Holy Face, they will work wonders, appease the anger of God and draw down mercy on sinners.
bullet 3. All those who honor My Face in a spirit of reparation will by so doing perform the office of the pious Veronica.
bullet 4. According to the care they take in making reparation to My Face disfigured by blasphemers, so will I take care of their souls which have been disfigured by sin. My Face is the Seal of the Divinity, which has the virtue of reproducing in souls the image of God.
bullet 5. Those who by words, prayers or writings defend My cause in the Work of Reparation, especially My priests, I will defend before My Father, and will give them My Kingdom.
bullet 6. As in a kingdom they can procure all that is desired with a coin stamped with the King's effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven they will obtain all they desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face.
bullet 7. Those who on earth contemplate the wounds of My Face shall in Heaven behold it radiant with glory.
bullet 8. They will receive in their souls a bright and constant irradiation of My Divinity, that by their likeness to My Face they shall shine with particular splendor in Heaven.
bullet 9. 1 will defend them, I will preserve them and I assure them of Final Perseverance.

as told to Sister Mary of St. Peter

It is the express will of God that this devotion be established in every diocese; that it be most zealously propagated; and granted a papal brief so that it will never perish.

This devotion is to have the twofold purpose of reparation for blasphemy and reparation for the profanation of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, the two principal sins which in modem times are provoking the anger of God. Sr. Mary said, "He then made me see that this frightful sin wounds His Divine Heart more grievously than all other sins, showing me how by BLASPHEMY the sinner curses Him to His Face, attacks Him publicly, nullifies His Redemption, and pronounces his own judgment and condemnation...The Savior made me understand that His justice was greatly irritated against mankind for its sins but particularly for those that directly outrage the Majesty of God--that is, Communism, Atheism, cursing, and the desecration of Sundays and the Holy Days. He said:" The executioners crucified Me On Friday, CHRISTIANS CRUCIFY ME ON SUNDAYS."